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Investment Strategy

Published February 3, 2025 | 10 min read time

Weekly market insights and possible impacts on investors from the Wells Fargo Investment Institute Global Investment Strategy team.

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Alternatives Spotlight: An era of growth in alternative investments

  • The rapid growth in alternative investments, in our view, is largely a result of more accessible products and investors’ growing realization of the benefits that hedge fund and private capital strategies have the potential to provide.
  • Understanding the role each type of alternative investment serves in a portfolio is key to creating an optimal blend to help investors achieve their long-term financial goals.

Equities: California wildfires: Insurance losses and market impact

  • We expect insured losses to be manageable for the Property & Casualty industry despite the scale of the wildfires.
  • Regulatory changes may encourage insurers to reenter the California market.

Fixed Income: Municipal tax exemption under the microscope

  • Revoking the municipal tax exemption could potentially have more support than in previous years as Congress is contemplating how to generate added revenue should provisions within the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 be extended.
  • While we ultimately expect that the status quo is maintained for state and local government tax exemption, we acknowledge that there may be more risk to the exemption for private-activity bonds and other non-municipal borrowers.

Real Assets: The impact of expanding Alaska’s oil

  • On January 20, 2025, President Trump signed the “Unleashing Alaska’s Extraordinary Resource Potential” executive order, expanding oil and gas leasing and permitting in the region.
  • While the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge holds significant oil reserves, we remain skeptical that it will produce much oil for the U.S. anytime soon.

Article written by:

Global Alternative Investment Strategist
Equity Sector Analyst

Municipal Analyst
Investment Strategy Analyst
Head of Real Asset Strategy